
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.11.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Exam preparation? We solve the exam from last year, H?ST2008, which you can download from here?
19.11.2009No classes? ? ? ?
12.11.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Tutorials? We discuss the mandatory exercise?
12.11.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Monte Carlo simulations? We present the Monte Carlo method for options pricing, Sect. 5.1 in Benth. In addition, we give an overview of the course.?
05.11.2009No classes? ? ? Please attend the intensive course of Professor Kiesel.....?
29.10.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Markov property and multidimensional claims? Section 4.6 and 4.7 in Benth (4.5 and 4.6 in Norwegian version)?
29.10.2009No tutorials due to mandatory exercise? ? ? ?
22.10.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Pricing and hedging of general derivatives? Section 4.5 in Benth (4.4 in Norwegian version).?
22.10.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB (14.15-15-00)? Exercises? Exercises in pdf??
15.10.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Girsanov's Theorem? We prove Girsanov's Theorem, sect 8.6 in ?ksendal, with applications in Sect 4.4 (B) (4.3 in Norwegian version)?
15.10.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB (14.15-15.00)? Exercises? Exercises in pdf?
08.10.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Martingales? Section 3.2 and 4.3 in ?ksendal?
08.10.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB (14.15-15.00)? Exercises? Exercises in pdf??
01.10.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises (14.15-15.00)? Exercises in pdf??
01.10.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Black & Scholes and martingales? We derive the Black & Scholes formula for option prices, sects. 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 in Benth (Sect 4.3 in Norwegian version). Next, we introduce some theory related to martingales (Sect 3.2 in ?ksendal) ?
24.09.2009NO TEACHING? ? ? ?
17.09.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Hedging and pricing of options (12.15-14.00)? Sections 4.2+4.3 in Benth. Please read Sect. 4.1 yourself to repeat theory from MAT2700.?
17.09.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises (14.15-16.00)? Exercises in pdf from last week

Exercises in pdf?

10.09.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB (14.15-16.00)? Ito's Formula? We present the Ito Formula, the stochastic chain rule. Sect. 3.3 in ?ksendal.


10.09.2009FEB? Aud 2 VB? Exercises (14.15-15.00) CANCELLED, and postponed!!!!!? Exercises in pdf?
03.09.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Ito integration? We define the Ito integral, Sects. 3.1 and 3.2 in ?ksendal.?
03.09.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises (14.15-15.00)? Exercises in pdf?
27.08.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Statistics of financial data? We analyse geometric Brownian motion in light of financial data. Ch. 2 in Benth?
27.08.2009FEB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises (14.15-15.00)? Exercises in pdf?
20.08.2006Fred Espen Benth (FEB)? Aud 2, VB? Overview of the course and Brownian motion ? We start the lectures with giving an overview of the basic ideas in the arbitrage pricing theory (Ch 1 in Benth). Then we move on with introducing the basic stochastic process, Brownian motion, and the necessary theory behind this (Ch. 2.1 and 2.2 in ?ksendal).

Note that we will have lectures from 12.15-16.00!


Published Aug. 12, 2009 3:44 PM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2009 11:50 AM