I'm at a conference in …

I'm at a conference in Oberwolfach next week, and there is no teaching in this course on Wed Oct 24.

I have uploaded com25a and com25b for Exercise 16.

For Halloween day, do all of Exercise 16, including the following point: suppose I have observed 1234 telephone numbers, for which I have computed U(x), with average value 11.111. Estimate the parameter lambda.

Also: implement Metropolis for simulating from the distant bi-mixture 0.5 N(-5,1) + 0.5 N(5,1), where the proposals are of the form xnew = xold + unif(-delta,delta). Which values of delta work well?

Also: do Exercises 14 and 15.

Publisert 20. okt. 2007 12:47 - Sist endret 7. des. 2007 12:56