Semester page for MEK4540 - Autumn 2010

I heard that some of you have trouble running ANSYS 12.1 (license problem). What you have to do is reset the licenseinformation. First give command "anslic_admin" in the command window. Then select "set license preferences for user #your usename#". Select so "version 12.1". Check the box "use academic licenses". Qiao Jie

Nov. 8, 2010 2:45 PM

Many of the students are not able to attend the lecture on Monday 8 November because of the Berlin-trip. Now I confirm that the lecture on Monday 8 November is moved to Thursday 11 November 14:15-17:00, B70.

Qiao Jie

Nov. 4, 2010 3:23 PM

The lectures on 8 and 15 November will be given by Qiao Jie Yang (email: qiaoy at He will also mark assignments 2 and 3.

Nov. 1, 2010 8:41 PM