Compulsory Assignment 1 You must …

Compulsory Assignment 1 You must turn in your paper before 15.00, Monday, 7'th March at "Ekspedisjonskontoret", Mathematics Institute (7th floor NHAbelshus). As experience shows that there are long queues around deadline, you are adviced to turn in your paper early. Remember to put your name and the number of your group/name of your program on your paper! If you due to illness or other circumstances have a need to extend the deadline, you must apply for an extension to Elisabeth Seland (room B718, NHAbelshus,, phone 22 85 59 07). Remember that illness has to be documented by a medical doctor.\\ See for more information about rules concerning compulsory assignments at the Mathematical Institute. The assignment is compulsory, and students who do not get their paper accepted, will not get access to the final exam. To get the paper accepted, you must answer part 1,2 and 3 completely and present at least the framework, including the explicit steps in the perturbation expansion, for part 4. As you may get partial credit for a problem even without having reached a final answer, it is important that you turn in all your work. In solving the problems you may collaborate with others and use all tools avaliable. However, the paper ypu turn in must be written by you personally (by hand or computer) and it should reflect your understanding of the material. If we are not certain that you understand your own paper, we may ask you to give an oral presentation.

Publisert 2. mars 2005 01:00 - Sist endret 4. mai 2005 17:43