Wellcome to MAT 4300/3300! We …

Wellcome to MAT 4300/3300!

We will use the book:

The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure, Robert G. Bartle, Wiley Classics Library, ISBN 0-471-04222-6.

Usually, there will be lectures on Wednesdays and problem sessions on Thursdays. The first week we will give lectures both days. There will be a compulsory problem set the second half of the course.

August 22 (B70): Introduction. We will start with some important properties and weaknesses of the Riemann-Integral (RI). Then we will define the extended real number system.

August 23 (B70): Chap.2. Measurable functions. We prepare the construction of the Lebesgue Integral by defining sigma algebras and measurable functions.

See "Detaljert Studieplan" for the further schedeule of the course.

Published Aug. 6, 2007 3:12 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2007 6:12 PM