Compulsory assignment - MAT 3300/4300 - Fall 2006

Her ligger all informasjon knyttet til obligatoriske oppgaver i dette kurset. Her vil du finne tidsfrister, oppgavetekst osv.

General practical information compulsory assignment

Rules for Compulsory assignment(in Norwegian)

Anwers to frequently asked questions about compulsory assignment(in Norwegian)

Deadlines for compulsory assignment

There is one compulsory assignment which has to be handed in and approved before the final exam. Deadline for handing in the compulsory assignement will be Friday November 3.

Problemset for compusory assignement

Friday October 20. you can find the problemset for the compusory assignement


and an english translation of this problemset is


Godkjentlister (list of approval)

Her kan du logge deg inn for ? se om obligen din er godkjent

Du logger deg inn p? godkjentlistesystemet med ditt vanlige brukernavn og passord for UiO (Here you can check wether your solution of the compulsory assignement has been approved. You login using your standard users name and password.)

Published Aug. 31, 2006 12:23 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2006 12:11 PM