welcome to the stk 9200 course, spring 2021!

Welcome to the course -- which is a different type of course than the usual ones. It consists in *reading a selection of journal papers*, where the students, or is it candidates, present them to the class, with discussion and supplementing information, etc. 

We'll use the first couple of weeks, as the course starts in January 2021, to set up such a list of papers to be read, and a bit later on these are assigned to the different students. It's not meant to be a "free ride" for the others, as all students are meant to work through all papers. For the exam, student X, who has presented papers A, B, C in the course, might be asked to present papers D, E, so to speak.

By definition we come back to various practicalities later. Have a look at the course page for previous occasions, to get a feel for how things are structured. 

In a sense I'll be more of "an administrator" than a "lecturer", for this course, but of course there might be occasions when I go to the blackboard and give nine minutes summing-ups of relevant themes.

Nils Lid Hjort 

Published Nov. 30, 2020 4:01 PM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2020 4:01 PM