for Tue Oct 12: we're reading Ryalen et al. (2019), Ferguson (1973)

I will have a "gampland3.pdf" at the website soon, with more details for the coming weeks. At any rate, for Tue Oct 12, we have: 

* Haris F: presents Ryalen, Stensrud, R?ysland, their LIDA paper 2019. 

* Dennis C: presents Ferguson, his Annals of Statistics paper 1973. This paper is in both categories A and B. It's the famous start of Bayesian Nonparametrics. Check also Ferguson's 1974 paper, also on the reading list on our website, though we focus on the 1973 Dirichlet processes paper. 

Published Oct. 6, 2021 3:41 PM - Last modified Oct. 6, 2021 3:41 PM