for Tue Nov 2: we're reading Montoya (2019) and Welling and Teh (2011)

Just for the record of these board messages, we have been and are still following the gameplan4 schedule of things. So on Tue Oct 26 we had

* Ingrid D: Efron, annals 1975

* Per August M: Angrist, Imbens, Rubin, jasa 1996.

On Tue Nov 2 we have

* Adam R: Montoya 2019

* Fabian B: Welling and Teh 2011.

On this Tue Nov 2 Nils gives a talk on kortstokkproblemet (and are the millions of decimals of pi really iid uniform on 0-9?), just after the stk9200.

Published Nov. 2, 2021 10:06 AM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2021 10:06 AM