
The exam set, firetimers, June 7, 2024: 


Notes to the solutions: 


June 7, 2024 9:33 PM

I was asked the following, more or less, from one of you: 

" During the forelesning you mentioned obligs are a good “view” of how our actual exam will be. I  am just wondering does that mean we should except questions like proof and deductions that were asked in oblig 2? " 

to which I answered: 

" I can't answer that in an accurate fashion, but yes, very tentatively, (a) the Obligs might very well be relevant, (b) yes, a few questions could in principle have an element of "show that" (as opposed to "only" the "do this" modus). But the probability is low that questions will involve long mathematical arguments, so to speak. "


June 4, 2024 10:30 PM

The four-hour written exam takes place Friday June 7, Silurveien, 15:00 to 19:00; check details here: 


Permitted aids:*All printed material, also the candidate’s own notes*, so by all means, if you wish to, you may print out & bring all lecture1.pdf to lecture 10.pdf (as this constitutes the curriculum). My prediction, though, is that you might not need it, during the busy four hours og thinking & doing & writing. The exercises are not composed as "memory tests". 

You also need a *calculator* (not an advanced one, so nothing with "memory" or net connection), as you might need basic things like square-root, exp, log, etc. Check details here: 


May 21, 2024 12:09 PM