
Published Aug. 16, 2021 1:00 PM

We will be available on email Wednesday 9:00-13:00 to answer possible questions/comments concerning the exam. 

Please send these to both of us, and

Published Aug. 9, 2021 1:47 PM

using the Inspera system. It will take place on Wednesday 18th of August, 9:00-13:00.

Published June 22, 2021 12:14 PM

can be found here

Published June 14, 2021 10:45 AM

During the exam we will be available all the time by mail and phone, but there will be a 45 minute dedicated time on Zoom at 10am: you will be in a waiting room and we will let you in one by one.

Zoom link:


A couple of typos have been detected in the problem set:

Published June 7, 2021 2:37 PM

The exam will have a form that is similar to exams previous years, with the exception of 2020. So, you will answer questions about analyses of data sets based on given output from R. You will not be asked to perform any analyses of data in R yourself, but perhaps you will find it more convenient to use R instead of a calculator for some simple calculations.

The exam will be available in Inspera from 9:00 on Tuesday 15th. The time allotted for the exam is 9:00-13:00, but you will get an additional 30 minutes for submitting the answer in Inspera on a pdf-format.

You can answer the exam in English or a Scandinavian language (or a combinbation thereof).

Best of luck!

Published May 25, 2021 2:43 PM

We will then arrange a zoom-meeting where we will be present and where you can come and ask questions of relevance for the exam the following Tuesday June 15th. A zoom-link for this session will be available in Canvas June 8th.


Published May 10, 2021 2:31 PM

In general, the following guidelines apply in courses at the Department of Mathematics: 
- The examination lasts 4 hours. In addition, you will have an extra 30 minutes to scan and upload your PDF. 
- All examination aids are allowed (e.g. books, online resources, scientific programming tools, etc.). 
- It...

Published Apr. 30, 2021 2:57 PM

The second assignments have been graded. If they were declared as "incomplete" you have time until Thursday 06th of May (11:59p.m.) to hand them in with all needed corrections. You will find comments giving you directions for said corrections.

If you wish to have any clarification regarding any comment, feel free to reply on those comments (preferably in the comment section outside of the document).

All the best!

Timo and Riccardo (P.)

Published Apr. 14, 2021 10:57 AM

Dear students,

we will organize a Q&A Zoom session on Tuesday, 20.4. from kl.14 - 16. Here you can ask your questions regarding the second assignment and exercises from the previous weeks. Both, teachers and teaching assistants will be present. The Zoom link will be posted on Canvas.


Best regards and good luck with the second assignment,

Sven Ove, Riccardo, Riccardo and Timo

Published Mar. 31, 2021 1:43 PM

For details click here.

Published Mar. 18, 2021 5:50 PM

The first assignments have been graded. If they were declared as "incomplete" you have time until Thursday 25th of March (11:59p.m.) to hand them in with all needed corrections. You will find comments giving you directions for said corrections.

If you wish to have any clarification regarding any comment, feel free to reply on those comments, or ask about those in next week's exercise lessons.

All the best!

Timo and Riccardo (P.)

Published Feb. 16, 2021 5:02 PM

The videos of the lectures are now available on Canvas, by using the link "Video" on the left menu.

I had to crop them, so the right margin is now cut out, but everything should be understandable anyway. No proof of Fermat's Last Theorem there...

Published Feb. 16, 2021 2:05 PM

There is a problem with uploading the video of the lectures: the program recorded the face/name of some of you and due to the GDPR the videos cannot be made available.

We are working on editing the videos to solve the problem, we hope to be able to upload them soon.

Published Feb. 10, 2021 9:41 AM

It is now clear that physical teaching will not be feasible for the first week of the course. The lectures and exercise sessions are then moved to Zoom. You will obtain access to the Zoom-sessions by logging on to Canvas.

We are looking forward to (digitally) meeting you next week!

Published Jan. 15, 2021 11:37 AM

We hope that physical teaching will be possible both weeks, but can not be sure of that. We will in any case make both slides and recordings of lectures available.

Regarding exercise classes suggested solutions to exercises will be made available. We consider also setting up digital channels both as an alternative to physical exercise classes (if they are possible) and as the only option. However, details have not been worked out and may depend on what is allowed.

Attendance of classes is encouraged but is not mandatory.

Published Jan. 4, 2021 1:43 PM

In examples and exercises we will use the statistics program R for the analyses. Many of you will prefer to use R-studio.

Both R and R-studio can be downloaded to your computer free of charge on windows, mac and linux-platforms from  If you have problems installing R help will be given at computer exercises.

Published Jan. 4, 2021 1:41 PM

It is possible to learn a lot from the slides of the lectures, which will be made available on this page when we get closer to teaching weeks. The recommended textbook is Vittinghof, E., Glidden, D., Shiboski,S.C. and McCullogh, C. (2012), Regression methods in biostatistics, Springer. Many references in lecture slides and exercises will be given to this book.

The book is available as e-book, and can be freely accessed and down loaded as a pdf file as long as you are on the UiO net. If you are not on UiO there various ways of obtaining the book, in particular you may use the following link:

Published Dec. 22, 2020 2:52 PM

Welcome to STK4900/9900 in 2021! This year Riccardo De Bin and Sven Ove Samuelsen will hold the lectures and Timo Lohrmann and Riccardo Parviero will do the exercise classes. 

The course is given intensively over two separate weeks, first in week 7, from 15th-19th of February and then week 12, from 22nd-24th of March.

As a preparation to the first part of the course, the students are encouraged to recapitulate the main themes of Chapters 6, 7, 10 and 11 in the course book for STK1000; see here for details (or the similar material in another introductory book in statistics).

We will have lectures every day from 9.15-12.00, then there will be a lunch break, followed by R-exercises and "pen-and-pencil exercises" in groups. The exercises are from 12.15-16.00. One group will have R-exercises 12.15-14.00 and pen-and-...