Exercises in STK4900 - Spring 2014

The lectures and exercise classes in STK4900 will take place Monday to Friday in weeks 8 and 14 (February 17-21 and March 31 - April 4). In these weeks there will be exercises from 13.15 to 16.00. The exercises will consist of two parts: (i) practical exercises using R on computers ("datalab") and (ii) theoretical exercises using calculator, pen, and paper ("exercises"). Information on rooms are given here . Further details on the organisation of the exercises will be provided at the course.

Below is given a plan for the exercises. The plan will be updated as the course progresses.

Part 1 (week 8)

Monday February 17:

Practical exercises:

Theoretical exercises:

Here are tables of the standard normal, student t, Fisher F and chi-square distributions.

These may come in handy for todays and later theoretical exerercises as well as for the final exam.

And here is a sketch of the solutions to theoretical Exercises 1-3.


Tuesday February 18:

Practical exercises:

Theoretical exercises:



Practical exercises:


Theoretical exercises:


Thursday 20 February:

Practical exercises:

Theoretical exercises:


Friday 21 February:

Practical exercise:

Theoretical exercises:



Part 2 (week 14) March 31-April 4:

Monday 31 March:

Practical exercise:

Theoretical exercises:


Tuesday 1 April:

Practical exercise:

Theoretical exercises:


Wednesday 2 April:

Practical exercises:

Theoretical exercises:


Thursday 3 April:

Practical exercise:

Theoretical exercises:


Friday 4 April:

Practical exercise:


Theoretical exercises:

  •  Exam STK 9900 spring 2012: Problem 4 (for a suggested solution see the exercises for Thursday 2nd April)




Published Feb. 14, 2014 12:02 PM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2023 3:04 PM