Data to the project exam in STK4900/9900 spring 2007



# Below are given commands for reading the data sets used in the exercises into R.

# If you use another program than R, you should send an e-mail to to get the data.




trees<-read.table("", header=T)




insects<-read.table("", header=T)




claims<-read.table("", header=T)




#As described in the exercise, you should use a sample of 500 of the birth weights

#from pregnancies where the pregnancy lasted at least 38 weeks.

#In order to get your sample of the birth weights you should do the following.


#First you give the command "seed<-ddmmyy", where ddmmyy is your day, month and year of birth.

#Example: If you are born 3 July 1980, you give the command "seed<-030780"


#Then you give the commands:

temp<-read.table("", header=T)

temp<-temp[temp$WEEKS>=38, ]

ind<-c(rep(1,500), rep(0,dim(temp)[1]-500))


bweight<-temp[sample(ind)==1, ]


# If you use other statistical software than R, you should send and email to

# to get your sample of 500 birthweights