NB! Some information in exercise …

NB! Some information in exercise 2 of the project exam has been missing, and there has been a typo concerning the coding of the variables in exercise 3. Specifically:

  • In exercise 2, "logdose" means base 10 logarithm of the dose

  • In exercise 3, the coding of AREA has been described wrongly. The correct coding is: 4=London and other big cities; 1-3=Other districts.

The corrections have been implemented in project exam text posted 14 May.

NB! The instructions on how to read the data to exercise 4 of the project exam into R has been updated. If you have already read the data to exercise 4 into R, you should do this once more using the updated instructions (given in the message of May 14th).

Publisert 16. mai 2007 19:32 - Sist endret 1. juni 2007 12:16