
Publisert 1. juni 2006 17:26

Here are the schedules for the finals June 9th and 12th. If anyone feels missing on the list, contact ARS or Heidi Raude. The place for the finals is announced on the "stud web".

Publisert 21. apr. 2006 10:55

The final project will be handed out around May 24 with deadline in the end of May/beginning of June. Here is a link to last years' project as a pdf-file and as a ps-file. The data are here and here.

You can find additional material of interest on the course web page for last year and also on the web page on the predecesor:, -/V03, etc.

Publisert 28. feb. 2006 10:40

Final exam in STK3900/4900/9900 will be on Friday June 9. If there are many candidates, there will also be an exam Monday June 12.

Publisert 8. feb. 2006 22:09

Planer for begynnelsen av neste uke ligger under "Forelesninger og ?velser-Planer"

Publisert 2. jan. 2006 15:48

Undervisningen i STK4900/STK3900 vil foreg? mandag til fredag ukene 7 og 13. Da blir det forelesninger i aud. 3 i Vilhelm Bjerknes hus i tidsrommet 9.15-12.00. Om ettermiddagen de samme dagene blir det data?velser i tidsrommet 13.15-16 i en av terminalstuene.