NB! Eksamen/pensum exam/exam pensum
NB ! Skriftlig eksamen: tirsdag, 17. desember, 09:00 (4 timer),
sted: Silurveien 2 Sal 4D.
Pensum er kap. 3, 4 og 5 i forelesningsnotatene mine. Eller se tilsvarende kap. i boken til T. Mikosch.
Det anbefales ? gjennomg? pr?veeksamen og f?lgende relevante regneoppgaver: oppgaver.
Tillatte hjelpemidler i eksamen STK4540: bare godkjent kalkulator.
Det er viktig (!) ? ha en kalkulator for h?nden under eksamen.
Hvis dere har sp?rsm?l ang?ende eksamen kan dere ta kontakt med meg.
NB ! The exam in STK4540 is in a written form and takes place on Tuesday, 17. December, 09:00 (4 hours),
place: Silurveien 2 Sal 4D.
The exam pensum is sect. 3, 4 and 5 in my lecture notes. Or see the corresponding chapters in the book of T. Mikosch.
It is recommended to have a look at the mock exam and the following set of relevant problems/exercises: problems.
Allowed aids for the examination: approved calculator.
You should take a calculator with you!
If you have any questions regarding the exam, you can contact me.