Oblig and exam for the course

The obligs are oral presentations based on seven exercises  which can now be downloaded from home page. The students will be divided into pairs with one exercise per pair which has the responsibility for a presentation lasting 45 minutes. The two members of the pair should talk for  equally long. The presentation will not be graded in detail, only as passed or not passed.

Students may form the pairs themselves in cooperation with The Department of Mathematics. They may choose the exercises they want; if there are several applicants for the same exercise it is decided by randomly. Advising is provided if needed, and the course will build up necessary prerequisites through the teaching.

We start in mid March with one presentation per week up to early May.  The exam (probably in early June) will to a large degree be an individual home exam (2-3 days) for each pair, partially based on the pair's oblig. A short written report will be submitted and there will be an oral  presentation from each student who will also be asked questions in other parts of the pensum.


Published Feb. 3, 2014 11:11 AM - Last modified Feb. 3, 2014 11:13 AM