The last day of teaching.
Exam stk4500, Exercises 1,2,3 .
Questions about the course and the exam.
Lecture: The essentials of STK4500.
Exercises: 13.30, 13.31. STK4500 exam June 2013.
May 19 will be the last day of teaching.
Discuss oblig with a summary of the Solvency ii part of the pensum added.
Exercises 13.21-13.30.
Final pensum now available under Syllabus/achievement/requirements
Lecture: Section 13.5 and 6.
Exercises: 13.17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Software for Chapter 13 can be downloaded.
Lecture: Section 13.4. The lecture will be held by Ingrid Hob?k Haff.
Exercises: No exercises.
Lecture: Review multi-state insurance, sections 12.5 and 12.6.
Exercises: Published later.
Lecture: Section 15.1-15.3, complete what was sarted on March 24.
Exercises. 15.7,8,9. Software avialble and can be down loaded.
Lecture: Summing up on Solvency II, outline of how the oblig should be carried out with explanation of how the software is used included.
Exercises. 12,36, 37,38.
The oblg is available under "Notes". Obligsofware (a collection of R-functions) can be downloaded from "Data and software".
Lercture: Carry on on Solvency II.
Exercises; 12., 36, 37, 38.
Lecture: Solvency II (based on note which is downloadable) and how liabilities are defined.
Exercises: 12.27, 28, 35, 36, 37, 38.
Will start talking a little about Solvency II tomorrow, Friday February 24. Introduction available under "Notes". A better proof-read version will be put out Friday 24 in the late afternoon.
Lecture: 12.6 and start Solvency II.
Exercises: Chapter 12.21, 22, 23, 24 , 25, 26, 27, 28.
Lecture: Section 12.5
Exercises: 12.14,15,16,18,21,22,23.
Lecture: Section 12.4 (more time for exercises than usual).
Exercises: 12.6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. Data and Rprograms available under the heading "Programs/data".
Lecture: Finish 12.3 and then 12.4
Exercises; 12.3,4,5,6,7,8.
The first exercises are 3.15 and 3.16, not 3.1 and 3..2
Lecture: Section 12.2 and if time permits start Section 12.3.
Exercises: 3.1,3.2, 12.1,12.2
Preliminary pensum is available under the Syllabus button. The first lecture (on Friday January 20) will outline the contents of the course and retrace what students should know about life insurance from before. It will last two hours only.