we start Monday August 17
According to the machinery, so to speak, we're set up for teaching Mondays 14:15 - 16:00 (in room 1120, 11th floor) and Thursdays 14:15 - 16:00 (in room 1020, 10th floor). However, we're *not* going to have four hours per week, so in the course for the first two weeks we determine what's best for us, either 2 + 1 or 1 + 2, and we might also go for "more or less three teaching hours on one of the two days", e.g. 14:15 to 16:45.
Again, you need go get hold of Schweder and Hjort's CLP book (Confidence, Likelihood, Probability, Cambridge University Press, 2016). It will also be a useful start to read through (and think through) Cunen and Hjort's FocuStat Blog Post "Confidence Curves for Dummies":