Idéen om det opplyste folket

1. Wed Apr 10 we discussed various aspects and details pertaining to FIC, and also did the car sales value exercise with four different nonlinear regression models. Next week we discuss AFIC.

2. I've uploaded com22c (four models for used cars) and com24a and com24b (computing tolerance radius for the f1(y,xi,sigma,a1) model w.r.t. a2).

3. Exercises for Wed Apr 10: First Exam stk 4160 2009, Exercise #2, (a)-(c). We've done (a) earlier but the point now is the FIC point (c). Then Exercise #1 from the same exam set.

4. As agreed upon earlier, the exam project is made available Fri June 7, with reports to be handed in Mon June 17. Part II of the exam is a 30 minute oral examination, which will take place Fri June 21 [this is the corrected date; the earlier given date Thu June 20 was incorrect].

Published Apr. 10, 2013 11:40 PM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2013 12:20 PM