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1. Today Wed Feb 6 we discussed (a) the chain of arguments leading to AIC and model-robust AIC and (b) the general setup with basic results for regression models. We also went through the two "Extra exercises" and part of the Poission regression for birds exercise.
2. Note that I have uploaded com2b, com7a, com8a. Go through them & check that you understand (and may be able to modify or extend, as required) their different parts.
3. Tentative dates for our exam: (a) The Exam Project is made available Fri June 7, and reports are to be handed in Mon June 17 (which means that two weekends are included in the project writing period). (b) The oral examinations will then take place Thu June 20 and/or Fri June 21.
4. Next week I intend to round off Ch 2. I will discuss cross validation and some but not all of the applications of Ch 2. Sections 2.6 and 2.10 are "cursory curriculum" (read through it, grasp what goes on, but details are so far not required).
5. Exercises for Wed Feb 13: First, do all details for the Poisson regression for birds (cf. com8a). Include also AIC*, the model robust version of AIC, for the eight models. Then find the Exam Project for 2009, and do the following points from Exercise 3: (a), (b), (f), (g).