exercises for Mon Feb 10
1. On Mon Feb 3 we discussed key material associated with the rounding off of Part 1 and the start of Part 2 in Ferguson's book. Key words are convergence of distibution in R^k (as opposed to "only" on the real line), the delta method (called Cramer's theorem in the book), Lindeberg, the Portmanteau (stumtjener / reisebag) Theorem, applications to confidence intervals, etc. We also went through Nils Exercises 5 (the rest of it), 45, 46, and various footnotes.
2. Note that I've uploaded an updated and extended Nils Collection Version C (now 47 pages) -- print it out, and look through exercises to get an idea of "where we might be going" even before attempting to solve them.
3. See separate message on tentative exam project dates, from t_0 = June 12 to t_1 = Sankthans, June 23. We make a firm decision next week.
4. Exercises for Mon Feb 10: from Nils Collection: 25, 26, 27, 43, 53, and, if time permits, also the Exam for Emil Stoltenberg 2016, Exercise 3.