Exercises for Mon Nov 12
1. On Mon Nov 12 I'm partly busy with the FocuStat Research Kitchen (the "Kombo Kj?kken", on how to combine information from diverse sources). So on this particular Monday I will teach *from 12:30 to 13:30* (but we're doing fine overall, regarding time).
2. Exercises: Exam 2016, Problems 1 and 2. Also: go to old Egypt, and try to fit the time-to-hit-zero models with X(t) = c - mu t + W(t), with W(t) Brownian motion.
3. And of course, deliver your Oblig reports in time, Tue Nov 13 by 13:59, preferably much earlier!
Published Nov. 7, 2018 11:40 AM
- Last modified Nov. 7, 2018 11:40 AM