exercises for Wed Sep 29

1. On Wed Sep 22, we went through parts of Ch 3, including the Dirichlet and multinomial, and a bit on the Jeffreys priors. We also did certain exercises, namely Nils 14a Gott würfelt nicht; Nils extra with binormal (a,b) given (x,y); and Ch 3 Exercises 2. Next week we round of Ch 3 and start Ch 4. After that we dive into MCMCs.

2. I've uploaded R scripts com32a (Gott würfelt nicht) and com34a (the extra thing with binormal prior and binormal data). I've not attempted to streamline or polish com34a, so it's a direct "I do this and then I do that" type script. Note the matrix things in R, including solve(A) for the inverse and A %*% B for multiplication.

3. We elected two volunteers, student representatives; see separate message. 

4. Exercises for Wed Sep 29: Nils Exercise 14b (more to do than with 14a); 22 (which replaces corresponding material from Ch 3, since my setup and formulae are more transparent); 6; and BDA Ch 3 Exercises 4, 7.

Published Sep. 23, 2021 11:09 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2021 11:09 PM