exercises for Wed Oct 6

1. On Wed Sep 29, we rounded off Ch 3, with material from Nils Exercise 22, which replaces the corresponding parts of BDA Ch 3 for the normal model. We briefly started Ch 4, which will be concluded next week. After that we'll be MCMCing for a little while.

2. The Oblig, the Compulsory Exercises set, will be made available at t_0 = Wed Oct 20, with solutions to be handed in at t_1 = Mon Nov 1. -- Check the Oblig for the autumn semester 2018, made by Celine Cunen, with the French presidents. I've not yet decided on this year's Oblig, but I may choose to give you either that Oblig of 2018, or something with the same data, similar questions, but different models.

3. More information about *the exam* comes soon, in a separate message. For the four-hour written examination, Tue Nov 30, each student can bring along *one page of her or his handwritten notes*, but not the book.

4. Exercises for Wed Oct 6: all the practicalities from Nils Exercises 22 and 23. The cigarette consumption data, with rates of lung cancer etc., is at the website, under "some datasets".

Published Sep. 30, 2021 4:59 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2021 4:59 PM