Dag Jansson, 1981, "dynamisk risikoanalyse", with loss functions etc.

I add in this now, grundig a posteriori, but I did mention a couple of times during the course the importance of *building loss functions*, for getting the Bayesian machinery to work -- and then I was reminded of Dag Jansson's diplomoppgave, 1981, entitled "Dynamisk risikoanalyse: Kvantitativ analyse av operasjonelle beslutninger ved offshore leteboring etter olje og gass med spesiell vekt p? v?ret som risikofaktor". I've now placed a pdf of that diplomoppgave at the course site, autumn 2021, also as a way of tracking it down later on.

That work is not Bayesian, per se, but I do admire its spirit when it comes to taking on board the various risks and potential influences, comparing apples to oranges and lives of birds to kroner and ?re, etc. -- which is an example of serious loss function construction. No, it isn't pensum, but something to behold and to ponder, for serious Bayesians, wishing to apply the course's Master Theorem in dire straits.

Published Apr. 20, 2022 2:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2022 2:34 PM