about the Oblig reports
Thanks for your considerable efforts, everyone. I've been through the details of I believe N = 28 Oblig reports, and given feedback to all, via the Canvas system. My job has been to sort you into categories
One (fully accepted), Two (some good efforts, but not yet fully accepted), Three (not at the required level)
and can report that there are *zero reports* in this third category. Those in Category Two are given *one more week* to repair and extend their reports, and then submit these updated versions via the Canvas system, within Monday Nov 15, before 15:59. You should all be fully able to do this, to the level required for acceptance. I believe I've indicated for each the basics of what needs to be done.
I will have something more to say about the Oblig work this Wednesday Nov 10, but will not give all details, so to speak, since a subset of you are still on the case.
For the remaining weeks we'll be prepping for the exam on Nov 30, partly by going through earlier exam sets, perhaps in particular those composed by Nils.