Exercises for Friday September 21

  • On Friday 14th of September we went through Chapter 4, with particular emphasis on the lazy Bayes (and half lazy Bayes) strategies. I also went through exercises with some details: the remaining parts of exercise 1 from exam project 2015, Nils Ex 13 e), f) and g) and Nils Ex 14 a). Nils Exercises 14 b) and 22 will be treated next time.
  • Next week we will start discussing Bayesian Computation, the theme of Chapters 10 and 11
  • Note the three new R-scripts (on the right) which contains R-solutions for exercise 1 from exam project 2015 (a new version) and Nils Exercises 14 and 22.
  • Exercises: 
    1. Small Mixture Prior exercise (coin flipping): you flip a coin n = 25 times and observe y = 10 Heads. Find the posterior density of theta = Pr(head), along with "standard summary numbers", namely posterior mean, posterior standard deviation, 0.05, 0.50, 0.95 posterior quantiles, for each of the following priors:

      (a) theta is uniform on (0,1) (which is where Thomas Bayes started, in 1763).

      (b) theta is a Beta(c,c), with a high c, like c = 100.

      (c) theta is a mixure 0.50 * uniform + 0.50 * Beta(c,c).

      (d) theta is a mixture 0.50 * uniform + 0.50 * unit-point-mass-at-0.50.

    2. Finish exercises from last time (if you did not do them last week).

    3. Nils Exercise 9 e) (read through the rest of Exercise 9, you should be able to use the theory described there, but you do not need to work through the details).

Published Sep. 14, 2018 12:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2018 11:36 AM