Exercises for Friday October 26

  • On Friday the 19th of October I discussed parts of Chapter 5 (Hierarchical models) with particular emphasis on the Beta-Binomial situation which is the topic of Section 5.3. I also spent some time on Empirical Bayes (which is a bit more present in the curriculum than in the book - see exercises). Exam Project 2015 exercise 3 was discussed (see R-script).
  • Next Friday I will continue Chapter 5. If I have time, I will start with the last topic of the course Loss, Risk and a bit of decision theory
  • Check out R-scripts for Exam Project 2015 exercise 3 and for the "Rat tumor" example. The rat data are here.
  • Exercise:
    • Exam Project 2015 exercise 2. There are some subquestions here you have not learnt about yet (d and e): study them if you want, but we will come back to them later. 
Published Oct. 22, 2018 7:48 PM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2018 10:39 AM