Comments on the mandatory assignment

  • Hint: In question 1 c) it is helpful to find the distribution of the variable (y/a)^b. 
  • Warning: if you use the build-in R functions for the Weibull distribution (for example rweibull) note that it is parameterised in "the opposite way" compared to the notation I've used in the assignment text. You can still use them of course, but just be careful that "a" in the assignment text is the "scale" parameter in R, and that "b" in the assignment text is the "shape" parameter in R.
  • Typo: in question 2 d) there is a small typo, it should say \theta_0 = \exp(\alpha)/(1+\exp(\alpha)) [and not a].
Published Oct. 22, 2018 7:23 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2018 5:33 PM