Exercises for Wed Sep 6

1. On Wed Aug 30 we went through Nils Exercises 1 and 2, with various pieces of extra commentary and insights, also regarding the Fantastic Master Theorem. I also filled in with more details from Ch 1, and started on Ch 2. One aspect there is the "Nice List", cases where the model and the prior are nice enough to lead to nice and amenable posteriors: (Poisson, gamma), (binomial, beta), (normal, normal), and more.

2. I've placed my (simple and not streamlined) R script "com17a" on the course site, with R code for some of the details of Nils Exercise 1.

3. I'm travelling next week, and my PhD student Emil Stoltenberg will teach in loco Hjorti. I'm hoping that he can use ten minutes of his teaching time to tell you about *predicting the outcome of the election*, using Bayes methods. Check 169.no, where some of our colleagues are producing such prognoses.

4. Exercises for next week: First, Nils Exercise 12; then as far as time permits from the book's 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8, 2.10, 2.16.

5. Reasonably soon we're setting up the time window [t_0, t_1] for the Exam Project, presumably with the date t_1, where project reports are to be handed in, to be before the four-hour-exam data December 13.

Published Aug. 30, 2017 11:30 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2017 11:30 PM