Exercises for Wed Sep 27

On Wed Sep 20 I went through some general aspects of Ch 3, including the Dirichlet-multinomial setup and some of the details for the Gamma-Normal setup for normal data. These matters will be pursued further in the coming lectures. Exercises discussed were (1) setting up alternative priors for the N parameter with the streetcars of San Francisco; (2) applying the normal-normal setup to assess the IQ of an individual given his or her test result; and (3) most of Exam stk 4020 2008 Exercise 2.

For Wed Sep 27, do the rest of the Abel enevelopes exercise of Exam 2008, giving a full posterior distribution for \gamma, the number of 1929 Abel envelopes issued by the Norwegian postal authorities. Then do Nils Exercise 14, before doing as much as you can of Nils Exercise 13. Finally do Nils Exercise 22, with the Gamma-Normal prior, with the cigarette data.

I've uploaded the R script com20a, for Exam 20008 Exercise 2, the continuous pre-Abel part.

The exam dates are now set, with time window [t_0, t_1], with t_0 = Thu Nov 30 and t_1 = Mon Dec 11 for the Exam Project.

Published Sep. 21, 2017 8:33 AM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2017 7:46 PM