Exercises for Wed Oct 25

1. I've rounded off Ch 4 and started Ch 5, with an emphasis on hierarchical modelling for analysing an ensemble of parameters.
 I also went through Exam stk 4021 2015 #3, with change point analysis.

2. I've uploaded com26a and com26b, related to such Bayesian change point analyses.

3. For an interesting change-point analysis, where such Bayesian methods also could have been used, check Celine Cunen and Nils Lid Hjort's blog post, on the World's First Ever Novel (from the 1460ies, 150 years before Don Quijote):


4. For next week, do the Egyptian lifetimes, from Exam 2008 #3, and the ensemble of probabilities, from Exam 2004 #4; this latter exam project has been uploaded to this site. Since my coauthor Gerda Claeskens have moved from A to B in Belgium, so has her website, with datasets from Claeskens and Hjort's Model Selection Book, where you may now find the n = 141 Egyptians (so the url from the 2008 exam set text doesn't work now):


Published Oct. 19, 2017 4:10 PM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2017 4:10 PM