Lecture & Exercises for Thu October 24
1. Today Thu Oct 17 I discussed details related to the Exam stk 4020 2008 set, including the Abel envelopes problem with two more data points and the Gamma-Normal class of priors for use with various normal models. I also went through *the basics of Bayesian image reconstruction*, entailing simple Markov type prior models for the image and then Metropolis methods for simulating from the posterior image distribution. This will also be carefully written out qua "Nils Exercises and Lecture Notes" in a collection of such to be uploaded to this course website reasonably soon.
2. I have uploaded various R scripts. Check in particular com77a and com77b (about simulating from the prior and posterior image model, dim = 1) and com78a and com78b (about simulating from the prior and posterior image model, dim = 2). Also, note com72b for the Abel envelopes and com73a, com73b, com73c for the Egyptian lifetimes.
3. For Thu Oct 24, do these exercises. First, exam stk 4020 2010 no. 2. Second, play with com77a and com77b to simulate from the prior and from the posterior Markov image model, in the one-dimensional case. Try out a few beta values for the Gibbs parameter and a few sigma values for the noise level.