exercises for Week 7, Sept 30 to Oct 4
We've started Ch 3, where the tentative subset of exercises is 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 34. On Thu Sept 26, Maham I does 3.9, on Mon Sept 30, Carl Fredrik A does 3.8. Key words in front of us are: (i) confidence; (ii) large-sample theory of Ch 2 to help us to aproximate confidence intervals; (iii) order statistics basics; (iv) moment estimators; (v) multiple linear regression.
On Mon Sept 30 we first do the New Haven Story iv.1, with linear regression used also for prediction. The Oblig, from Oct 7, will have something half-similar. Note the R script com105a, with New Haven analysis (and note that even though b is clearly significant positive, predictions for start - 5 years and end + 5 years have a big overlap).
I define 3.8 and 3.12, done by Carl Fredrik and Vilde, as important, since it's "not easy, not too hard, various details, and instructive". Then we round off Ch3 with (ii), (iii), (iv) from the key words list above.
Around Oct 1, I will place an updated and somewhat more polished version PartOneNew.pdf on the website. There will be a modest amount of reshuffling of exercises there, so 2.39 in previous version might be 2.34 in the new one, etc. Consider this PartOneNew.pdf to be what it is, an updated version with better polish, but you don't need to re-read and re-work everything (!). To avoid confusion, I will *not* revise the numbers already given in the Curriculum Document; these numbers will still refer to the first version of PartOne.pdf.
Datasets for stories iv.1 (New Haven) and iv.3 (mammals) are placed on the website. For these, look ahead to, and don't be afraid of using, 3.34, with prediction.