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For a portion of the exercises as well as for the Statistical Stories in the course, we need to set up code to solve problems, find estimates, compute test statistics, graph confidence distributions, maximise log-likelihood functions, create graphs and figures, etc. Some tasks are carried out via pre-programmed algorithms, perhaps in sub-packages, but you also need often enough to set up your own code, do your own programming.
I'm using R for these purposes, but you are free to use e.g. python, or other software package, as long as you're able to carry out the required tasks. I'll upload *some* of my own code, for *some* of the exercises and stories. In each case, run it in your computer, see that it works, check that you understand what goes on, line by line, portion by portion.
I'm placing *com41a* on the site now (Aug 19), for the little idiosyncratic thing in exercise 1.2(c). More will come.
Our two plus two hours per week (Mon 14-16 and Thu 10-12) will be a mix of lectures, exercises, and stories, from PartOne and PartTwo. The material will partly be covered by carrying out and going through exercises, as opposed to "the professor is lecturing". I'm hoping for active participation from you, the students, also *partly* by having you going to the blackboard to go through your solutions to exercises.
For Week 1, Aug 19 to Aug 23, attempt to work through these exercises from Ch 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16.
I've uploaded PartOne.pdf (lots of Exercises) and PartTwo (lots of Statistical Stories), both from August 2024, to the course page. You should copy these into your computer & print out.
We'll come back to various details, of course; the curriculum will be *parts* of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and *some* of the Stories.
Again, we start Monday August 19th.
Welcome to the stk 4011 course. Teaching takes place Mondays 14:15 - 16:00 (Undervisningsrom 126) and Thursdays 10:15 - 12:00 (Undervisningsrom UE26). Teaching will be a mixture of c. 1/2 lectures and 1/2 going through (lots of) exercises. The division line between "this is lecturing" and "this is going through exercises" is intended not to be sharp for this course and this course material.
The course material will be certain chapters & stories from a preliminary version of "Statistical Inference: 666 Exercises and 77 Stories, with Solutions to All", by Nils Lid Hjort and Emil Aas Stoltenberg (Cambridge University Press, 2025). I will upload these excerpts here at the course website, qua pdfs, as Part One and Part Two, around August 12. There are *earlier versions* of these, placed at the course website for Autumn 2023; these will be taken down after I've uploaded these newer versions.
The book-to-be will have about fifteen chapters (and lots o...