Good job on the exam everyone! Any feedback on the course is greatly appreciated and can be sent either to student representative or me directly. Hope you all will have a well-deserved and relaxing Christmas break!
As a result of the infection situation and changes in national and regional advice and rules, the University Director has decided to temporarily allow self-declaration in the event of absence from examinations with physical attendance. The decision applies from 03.12.2021 to 01.02.2022. For exams that require physical attendance at UiO, it will not be necessary to submit documentation of the absence. This applies to all school exams in Silurveien, as well as oral and written exams that require physical attendance on campus. You must apply for valid absence in the usual way using the online form, but for exams with physical attendance, you do not need to attach documentation. See UiO's website "Illness at exams/postponed exams" for more information: htt...
In addition to the list of formulas (see last message), you will also be allowed to bring an approved calculator to the exam. Note that you will be allowed, but not required, as no problem will require the use of a calculator.
The permitted aid in the written exam will the 2021 version of the list of formulas, which contains most of the theorems and definitions covered by the curriculum. Note that you have to bring your own copy to the exam and that you are not allowed to write anything in it.
Today we covered the last material that will be part of the curriculum, and the final curriculum can now be found under "Resources > Curriculum".
Note that there is no exercise class tomorrow, so the next session is the lecture on next week's Wednesday (17.11).
The exercise session on Friday (Oct 15) will be held over Zoom.
The mandatory assignment is now available here. The deadline for the submission is Thursday 28 October 2021 at 14:30. The report should be submitted through Canvas. Let me know if you have any questions about the assignment. Happy solving!
This week's exercise session will be over Zoom. I will add link here through which you can join on Friday.
I have added the first set of exercises to the Exercise page. We will go through them on the Exercise session on Friday (27.8).
The content of the course will be similar to previous years, following the book Statistical Inference by Casella and Berger (Second edition, 2002). There will be two hours of lectures and one hour of exercises per week, starting from Aug 25.
If the infection rate reaches a level where parts of society are forced to close down again during the autumn semester, written examination in this course may be conducted as a written home exam or as an oral examination.