The results of the exam were extremely good: 3 A, 5 B and 1 C. Hence you deserve a very nice Christmas holiday. Those of you that continue studies at the University of Oslo are more than welcome to take the course STK4400 the coming semester. All the best for Christmas and the new year.
You can now find the exam and solution on the course page under "Oppgaver". Those who think of specializing in risk and reliability at the master level can send me an e-mail to make an appointment to discuss this matter.
Happy Christmas!
Today Thursday November 12. was the last day of teaching. All the best for your preparation to the exam and during the exam.
All 9 mandatory assignments 2 handed in are now corrected and accepted with a clear margin. You have done extremely well. A master solution is enclosed in some of the envelopes that will be put on Monday morning in the shelves in the corridor of the 7. floor of NHA.
An updated mandatory assignment 2 can be downloaded from the message on September 30.
All 10 mandatory assignments 1 handed in are now corrected and accepted with a clear margin. You have done really well. A master solution is enclosed in the envelopes that have been put in the shelves in the corridor of the 7. floor of NHA.
In "Oppgaver" on the main homepage to the course STK3405/STK4405 there are solutions to exams from 2010-2014. Note that STK2400 is just an old name for the present course. These exercises can be solved on your own.
Arne Bang Huseby will present his software program Riscue in the time for exercises Thursday 15. October at 10.15-12.00. The second mandatory exercise is heavily based on this software. Hence, it will be smart to attend this presentation.
Mandatory assignment 2 with deadline November 5 can now be downloaded her
If you feel for discussing anything with your student representative here is his e-mail address:
Vukasin Jovic <>
From next week solutions to exercises from earlier exams will be given. Those who have not got the hand out of these exams please send an e-mail to with your address.
Mandatory assignment 1 with deadline October 1 can now be downloaded her
Due to collisions with STK4510, STK4540 and MAT4730 the lectures on Wednesdays are moved to Mondays 14.15-16.00 in NHA 935 starting on Monday 17. of August.
Due to a collision with STK4510 it is almost sure that the first lecture will be on Monday 17. of August,14.15-16.00 in NHA 935.
I have been told that the lecture time on Wednesdays is colliding with the ones of MAT4730 and STK4540. I will try to move our lecture time to Mondays 11.15-13.00 in NHA 801. Anyone having problems with such a move please send me an e-mail immediately. For the time being the first lecture will be on Wednesday 19. 12.15-14.00.
Welcome to STK3405 which is identical to STK2400. All teaching is planned to be in NHA 801 in Niels Henrik Abels House at 12.15-14.00 on Wednesdays and 10.15-12.00 on Thursdays. The first lecture is planned to be on Wednesday 19. August. It will be lectures in the time for exercises Thursday 20. August.