The exam set and a sketch of the solution are now available on the course web page.
- The only permitted aid on the exam is an approved calculator; you will find the list of approved calculators here: /studier/eksamen/hjelpemiddel/mn-math-kalkulatorer.html.
- The formula sheet will be an appendix to the exam paper, and you cannot bring your own copy. You should however take a look at it before the exam; you will find it further down on this web-page.
- The exam will consist of sub-problems (a, b, c, ...), that may be of different length and difficulty, but they all count the same on the grade.
- Some of the sub-problems may contain several questions. To get a full score, you must answer all of them.
- A correct answer is not enough in itself to get a full score, you also have to explain how you obtained your answer.
On October 31 10:30-11.30 in Sophus Lie, the minister of digitalisation, Karianne Tung, is going to give a lecture on digitalisation, followed by a debate. This is open to anyone who wants to attend. The link to the event is here:
... is out now. The deadline is Thursday November 7 at 14:30.
Dear all,
Tomorrow at 5 o'clock, the University will host the annual event Data Science Day. Here, free food will be served, 20+ companies will have stands, and we will hear exciting talks from Voi, Sony and UiO. This might be of interest for many of you!
Per August
There has been a request to collaborate with fellow students in the course. If you are interested in discussing or working on the course with others, please email Per August
There were two typos in Problem 1 the assignment that was linked up yesterday:
- the Y_i's are supposed to have the same variance \sigma^2 and not different variances \sigma_i^2
- there was a factor x_i missing in the numerator of the F-statistic
This is fixed in the version that is currently linked up.
Hi all,
Due to a university event, our usual room is unavailable during the next group session on the 18th of september. Instead, we will use room 800 in Niels Henrik Abels hus. The room is in the eight floor of the same building as the group sessions usually take place.
Per August
Tomorrow's group session will be held by a substitute teacher, Clara Salucci.
There have been some questions about what the differences between STK3100 and STK4100 are, and the answer is that there are none. The curriculum, mandatory assignments and exam are all the same, and the assessment of the assignments and exam will be the same.
The teaching will each week consist of 3 hours of lectures (Mondays and Thursdays), as well as 2 hours of exercise classes on Wednesdays, where you can get help solving the weekly exercises, concerning material lectured that week.
On the semester page, plans for the lectures will be published in the schedule, and the weekly exercises will be published on "Weekly exercises' under 'Exercises'.
We will use the text book: Alan Agresti: Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models. Wiley, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-118-73003-4. A useful (optional) supplementary is "Generalized Linear Models with examples in R" by Peter Dunn and Gordon Smyth, which can be accessed from this link if you are connected to the UiO net.
Looking forward to seeing you on August 19th!