Vi skal bruke f?lgende to …
Vi skal bruke f?lgende to pensumsb?ker i dette kurset:
1. Hans Gerber: Life Insurance Mathematics. Springer (1997).
2. Thomas Mikosch: Non-Life Insurance Mathematics. Springer (2004/2009).
St?ttelitteratur er:
3. Erik B?lviken: Actuarial And Financial Risk Through Simulation: An Introduction. International Series on Actuar (juni 30, 2012)
Det er planlagt ? gjennomg? f?lgende kapitler i boken til Mikosch:
1. Basic model (f.eks. Cramer-Lundberg-modell)
2. Models for the claim number process
3. The total claim amount (totalskadesum)
4. Ruin theory (kap. 4.1)
Dessuten skal vi gjennomg? f?lgende kapitler i boken til Gerber:
1. Mathematics of compound interest (rentes-renteteori)
2. Future lifetime of a life aged x
3. Life insurance
4. Life annuities
5. Net premiums (reserves)
6. Multiple decrements
7. Multiple life insurance
8. Total claim amount of a portfolio
9. Estimating probabilities of death