
Publisert 17. juni 2022 18:53

Solutions to the Exam 2022 can be found here.

Publisert 10. juni 2022 11:17

Some of you have noticed that characteristics (density, expectation, variance etc.) of the gamma distribution in the formula sheet (section 9c) and in our lectures/exercise classes (see e.g. slide 13/27 of Lecture 14) are different. There is no contradiction: the reason is that in the formula sheet they use a different (but equivalent) parametrization.

If, in the formula sheet, you put

beta = 1/lambda

you will obtain exactly what we had during the lectures. In particular, in the formula sheet parametrization, 

E[X] = alpha*beta,

whereas in the parametrization we used during the lectures (and which is more convenient for our course)

E[X] = alpha/lambda.

Publisert 6. juni 2022 13:58

As it was already mentioned, there will be 3 problems on the exam (which cover 3 major topics of the course) - the structure of the exam will be approximately the same as the one of the trial exam posted some time ago.

However, if one wants to prepare even better, one can solve the following:

Problem 1:  Problem 1 of Exam 2021, Problems 1 and 2 of Exam 2020, Problem 1 of Exam 2018, Problems 1 and 2 of Exam 2017, Problem 1 of Exam 2016, ...

Publisert 2. juni 2022 14:21

Dear all,

The exam is approaching, so here are some important announcements.

1) The STK1100/STK1110 formula sheet will be handed out together with the problem set. However, it will be the fresher version in Norwegian (link). If you need an older version in English, you have to print and bring it yourself.

2) As I mentioned before, Problem 3 will be very easy for those who pay special attention to Lecture 26 and Lecture 28 (examples and proofs included!) However, I noticed a tiny typo in Example ...

Publisert 24. mai 2022 12:31

On Friday, 27th of May, at 16:00, we will have a summary lecture where we will go through the problems of the trial exam and discuss some related topics.

The lecture will be on Zoom:

Publisert 16. mai 2022 08:29

Dear all,

Below, you can find the Zoom link for today's lecture.


Publisert 8. mai 2022 18:00

Solutions to mandatory assignment can be found here.

Publisert 7. mai 2022 16:59

Dear all,

Here you can find a trial exam the structure of which resembles the structure of the true examination. 

There will be three problems covering three main topics of our course:

  1. Discrete-time Markov chains;
  2. Poisson process;
  3. Continuous-time Markov chains and birth-and-death processes.

Note that we have already covered the material of the first two topics. Topic 3 is being considered during the lectures at the moment.

During the exam, you will be allowed to use an approved calculator as well as List of formulas for STK1100/STK1110...

Publisert 20. apr. 2022 13:44

Dear all,

Since we gradually approach the Exam, it is the time to prepare for it. And the best way to do so is to look through the Exams of the previous years.

There were (and there will be more) discussions of the exam problems during the Exercise Sessions. However, for your convenience, here are links to exams of the previous two years (with full solutions):

Exam 2020

Exam 2021

Do not worry: you are not supposed to know how to solve the last problems right now - this material will be covered later on.

Good luck with preparations!

Publisert 27. mars 2022 19:33

If you have any questions related to the mandatory assignment, you will have the last opportunity to ask them this Tuesday (March 29), 16:00, in Zoom.


Publisert 27. mars 2022 11:02

The lecture on Monday, March 28, is CANCELLED.
The lecture on Thursday, March 31, will most probably be in digital format - I will send an update regarding it later.

Publisert 23. mars 2022 15:21

I have slightly updated the text of the mandatory assignment again - the changes concern only the Problem 2(c).
I clarified the question of the problem (formally speaking, you have to find a limit of some probabilities, so I have put a short explanation on this) as well as extended the hint, so now it should be clear how to approach the solution.

Publisert 18. mars 2022 14:40

I see that many of you have struggles with Problem 2(a). It is indeed a bit tricky, so I decided to remove it from the Assignment (instead you are asked to describe the state space in Problem 2(b)). The updated version of the Assignment has already been uploaded.

Publisert 14. mars 2022 11:09

1. Mandatory assignment is now available on Canvas. If you have any trouble accessing it, please, contact me via e-mail. The deadline is March 31st.

2. The next lecture (on Thursday, March 17) will be fully online. Zoom link will be available on the course page.

Publisert 27. feb. 2022 10:41

Velow, you can find the list of student representatives for the course.

Kamilla Blekkan -

Ellen Larsen -

Berit Omli ?ksnes -

Publisert 21. feb. 2022 10:32

If one has any questions that one wants to ask in person outside of lectures, one can find me in the NHA office 1019 on Thursdays after 14:00.

Publisert 6. feb. 2022 13:43

Since Auditorium 5 is still not available for use, we will have a fully digital lecture on Monday, February 7.

Zoom link:

Publisert 3. feb. 2022 16:30

For now (at least in the upcoming few weeks), the lectures will be recorded.

One can access the recordings (including the recordings of previous lectures) via the Discussion page on Canvas.

Publisert 2. feb. 2022 10:05

Vilhelm Bjerknes’ hus is sill closed, so the lecture will be fully online once again.

Zoom link can be found in the Timeplan section of the course page.

Publisert 29. jan. 2022 16:56

Since the Vilhelm Bjerknes’ hus is closed for now, the lecture will be fully online.

Zoom link can be found in the Timeplan section of the course page.

Publisert 23. jan. 2022 14:44

Dear all,

The next lecture on Monday, the 24th of January, will be fully online.

Zoom link.

Publisert 20. jan. 2022 09:23

Dear all,

Despite the announcement on the course page yesterday, today's lecture will be FULLY online.
Link to the Zoom room:

The hybrid format will definitely be implemented in future.

Publisert 19. jan. 2022 13:22

Due to new regulations, we are allowed to come back to physical teaching. However, given the situation, lectures will have a hybrid format: those who are willing to be present physically can do so, but lectures will also be streamed online via Zoom.

If you decide to be present in person, please, keep your distance and use face masks.

The link to the Zoom room will be available on Canvas and on the Timeplan section of the course page.

Publisert 11. jan. 2022 13:47

Due to corona restrictions, lectures will take place via Zoom at least until January 28th. The first lecture will take place on Monday, January 17, at 9:15.

Link to the Zoom room.