Welcome to STK2100

We are happy to announce that the lectures will be physical on campus! In addition, the lectures will be recorded so that those who for different reasons are not able to attend the lectures still can follow these digital. These will however only be available after the lectures are finished.

Due to that the Covid-19 disease still is around us, we ask all students to

  • Use face masks indoors if the distance requirements canot be met
  • Adhere to the rules on distance in the auditoriums
  • Avoid congestion when entering / leaving auditoriums
  • If possible, travel collectively to / from Blindern outside rush hours
  • Choose a digital teaching offer if you suspect that you in the recent past have been exposed to coronavirus, e.g. at a slightly loose party.
  • Follow the authority's general infection control advice

Publisert 17. jan. 2022 15:54 - Sist endret 17. jan. 2022 15:54