Syllabus/achievement requirements

The curriculum is essentially defined by the exercises that have been assigned, both weekly exercises and obligatory problems.  Extensive class notes will be distributed, and we will employ one book.


  1. Oblig 1 due Thursday 17th September 2020, 14:30

  2. Oblig 2 leveres torsdag 26 november 2020, 14:30

Data for oblig 2: New_Year_Wave.txt rec_ekofiskL_hz2_20180921_134000.hz2 case1.wav


Michel K. Ochi: Ocean Waves, The Stochastic Approach  Cambridge University Press (1998).  Boka kan kj?pes hos Akademika eller bestilles hos forlag eller l?nes p? universitetsbiblioteket.

Introduction to the course:

Presentation on extreme waves

Introduction to waves:

  1. Waves

Nonlinear wave theory:

  1. Nonlinear

Fourier analysis:

  1. Fourier

Stochastic theory:

  1. Stochastic

Additional material:

Phillips (1958): The equilibrium range in the spectrum of wind-generated waves. J. Fluid Mech. 4, 426-434.  (read entire paper)

Gaussian waves

Side 92 i Massel (1996)

Nice pictures: 1 2 3 4

Published Aug. 11, 2020 12:53 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2020 5:24 PM