
The curriculum is primarily defined by the exercises we have solved, both weekly exercises and obligatory problems:

  1. Exercises I
  2. Exercises II (corrected)
  3. Exercises III (corrected)
  4. Exercises IV - suggested solutions
  5. Exercises V
  6. Exercises VI
  7. Exercises VII
  8. Exercises VIII
  9. Exercises IX
  10. Exercises X
  11. Exercises XI
  12. Exercises XII
  13. Exercises XIII
  1. Oblig 1
  2. Oblig 2

Some data needed for oblig 2:


Fourier transform (we will probably not cover all the material in these compendia):

  1. Harald E. Krogstad: Fouriertransformen - en innf?ring   (from Web page of Harald Krogstad)
  2. Erik L?w & Ragnar Winther: Fourier analysis   (from Samling av kompendier - Matematisk insitutt)

Lecture notes on waves and Fourier transform:

  1. Monochromatic and irregular waves

Stochastic wave theory:

  1. Reprint of chapter 2 in
    Waves in Geophysical Fluids Tsunamis, Rogue Waves, Internal Waves and Internal Tides Series: CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Number 489 (eds. John Grue, Karsten Trulsen), pages 49-106
  2. Chapters 1-4 in LINEAR WAVE THEORY Part B of
    LINEAR WAVE THEORY by Harald E. Krogstad and ?ivind A. Arntsen
    (you may prefer to use this repaired pdf instead of the original above, check that \(\sum\) and \(\pi\) come out correctly)
    There are some typos in this document, look at some comments and corrections to a couple of the exercises.

Spectrum and Gaussian sea:

  1. Spectrum
  2. Gaussian waves
  3. X-band radar

Nonlinear wave theory:

  1. Free and forced oscillations
  2. Nonlinear water surface waves: Governing equations
  3. Nonlinear resonance conditions
  4. Nonlinear gravity waves

Additional material:

  1. Draupner time series: New_Year_Wave.txt
    - Sverre Haver (2004): Freak wave event at Draupner jacket, January 1 1995.
    - Jean-Raymond Bidlot et al. (2016): What conditions led to the Draupner freak wave? ECMWF Newsletter 148, 37-40.  (Read pages 37-40 for some recent results.)
  2. Dysthe, Krogstad & Müller (2008): Oceanic rogue waves. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 40, 287–310.  (Read pages 287-291 for a nice review.)
  3. Trulsen, Nieto Borge, Gramstad, Aouf & Lefèvre (2015): Crossing sea state and rogue wave probability during the Prestige accident.   J. Geophys. Res. 120, 7113-7136.  (Read the Introduction and the Conclusions for an impression of what we should be able to understand at the end of the course.)
  4. Phillips (1958): The equilibrium range in the spectrum of wind-generated waves. J. Fluid Mech. 4, 426-434.  (read entire paper)
Published Aug. 21, 2016 10:09 PM - Last modified Jan. 24, 2025 2:41 PM