Tentative Plan
Januar 25: Overview of course, Chap 1
Januar 28: Install and test FEniCS
Februar 1: Chap 3
Februar 4: We will consider Gibbs phenomenon and start on the exercise 3.1-3.4
Februar 8: Chap 4
Februar 11: Exercises next week: 4.5-4.8. Bring laptops and be prepared.
Februar 15: Chap 6
Februar 18: Exercises 6.1-6.4.
Februar 22: Winterholiday
Februar 25: Winterholiday
Mars 3:
Mars 7: Chap 7
Mars 10: Ercises 7.1-7.5
Mars 14: Chap 8
Mars 17: Cancelled
Mars 21: "Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flow HP Langtangen", KA Mardal, R Winther
Mars 24: Eastern
Mars 28: Eastern
Mars 31: Cancelled, Project
April 4: Cancelled, Project
April 7: Cancelled, Project
April 11: "Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flow HP Langtangen", KA Mardal, R Winther
April 14:
April 18: Singular Problems, Elasticity
April 21:
April 24: