The exam will be held in room 720 in Niels Henrik Abels Hus. Each exam will take approximately 40 minutes.
Here is the schedule:
Monday December 4th:
1: Bringsvor - 10:00
2: Wiskandt - 11:00
3: Breloer - 12:00
Tuesday December 5th:
1: R?dvei - 10:00
2: Hamre - 11:00
3: Vorburger - 12:00
The final oral exam will be held on December 4th and 5th in room 720.
For the start of the exam, please choose one of the following three results and spend up to 10 minutes giving an overview of its proof (please check beforehand that your presentation takes no longer than 10 minutes):
- The universal coefficient theorem for cohomology
- Poincaré duality
- Serre's finiteness theorem for even dimensional spheres
The basic syllabus is §§3.1 - 3.3 and §§4.1 - 4.2 in Hatcher, and Chapter 2 in the notes on spectral sequences.
A more detailed overview of the syllabus can be found here.
For spectral sequences, we will cover roughly chapter 2 in these notes
Here is the mandatory assignment. Please pick one topic (or choose one yourself) and prepare a presentation about it of about 20 minutes. The presentations will tentatively be held in week 45.
Concerning the discussion in today's class about the long line and homotopies:
As shown here, it does not work to define homotopies using the long line. But there is an approach to a "big fundamental group" discussed in this paper.
We have decided on the dates:
December 4th and 5th
for the final oral exam.
Dév Raj Joe Vorburger
drvorbur at student dot matnat dot uio dot no