Here are three sequences (a,b,c) of starting questions for the final exam. Each examination will start with one of these sequences, randomly determined. The candidates will be expected to have prepared for these questions.
- John
Syllabus for MAT4540/9540 autumn 2016:
- Chapter 3, sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3;
- Chapter 4, sections 4.1 and 4.2.
- John
The final exam will be December 15th in room B637. See the official page for the official information.
- John
Contrary to my comment in class, I think it is best to do the remaining exercises for chapter 3 this Friday, so that we get started on exercises for chapter 4 next week. See the schedule for the proposed list of problems.
- John
Many thanks to Helje, who has assembled this summary of the mid-term evaluation.
- John
Helje Svensson <> is the contact student this term. We will organize a course evaluation in a couple of weeks.
- John
We plan to have the final (oral) exams in the week December 12th - 16th. Please let me know of any collisions.
- John
The mandatory assignment for
- master students (MAT4540)
- PhD students (MAT9540)
is now available. The written assignment is due by Friday October 28th. The oral presentations can be made on the same day.
- John
Here is the brief introduction I gave to the topics of the course.
In place of lectures 14.15-17.00 on Mondays, we will have lectures
- Mondays 14.15-16.00 in room B738, and
- Fridays 12.15-14.00 in room B638(*)
starting this week. The change will be reflected in the on-line schedule, when technically possible.
(*) On Friday October 28th and November 4th we will meet in B738 instead.
- John
We will use Allen Hatcher's book "Algebraic Topology" as textbook for this course, planning to cover the core material in chapter 3 (cohomology) and chapter 4 (homotopy theory). The book is available for free download at Allen Hatcher's web page, and in the folder undervisningsmateriale.
- John Rognes