
Published May 16, 2024 10:59 AM

Here are the

Please check the examination schedule to find the time for your exam.

Published May 13, 2024 9:50 AM

We will begin each oral examination with one of the following

See the earlier message

for the topics for the remaining questions.

Published Apr. 18, 2024 2:25 PM

The oral exams will take place in room B720 at 9:15-12:00 and 13:15-17:00 on Thursday May 23rd and Friday May 24th.  Candidates should please write to before May 8th if you are unavailable at any of these times.  The precise schedule for the individual exams will be posted shortly thereafter.

De muntlige eksamenene vil finne sted i rom B720 kl. 9:15-12.00 og 13:15-17.00 p? torsdag 23. mai og fredag 24. mai.  Kandidatene bes skrive til innen 8. mai dersom de ikke er tilgjengelige p? noen av disse tidene.  En presis oversikt med de individuelle tidene for eksamen vil publiseres kort etter det.

Published Mar. 4, 2024 12:43 PM

I will use these notes when discussing the excision theorem (pages 119-124 in Hatcher's book).  These notes were slightly updated March 11th 2024..

Published Feb. 14, 2024 1:01 PM

Upon request, I have marked one of the exercises for next week with an asterisk (1.3.9*), meaning that if you are only going to look at one exercise, this one will test your understanding of the main results of this section, and not require new ideas or much labor.  (I would still recommend attempting all the exercises.)

Published Feb. 13, 2024 2:08 PM

The mandatory assigment (for master's students) has been published, and were due to be delivered using Canvas by Thursday April 11th at 14:30.  All timely submissions have now been graded.  Here are my sample solutions.

Published Feb. 13, 2024 1:06 PM

The contact student this semester is ?smund S?ther (

Published Jan. 19, 2024 1:15 PM

The detailed plan for the lectures, and the lists of exercises, will be shown on the semester schedule.

Published Jan. 9, 2024 12:29 PM

We will follow Allen Hatcher's textbook "Algebraic Topology", principally covering Chapters 1 and 2.

Chapter 0: Pages 1-10 (omit house with two rooms on page 4, joins on page 9, smash product on page 10, and pages 11-17).

Chapter 1: Pages 21-71 (omit Examples 1.23, 1.35, representing covering spaces by permutations on pages 68-70, and pages 72-78).

Chapter 2. Pages 97-165 (omit mapping telescope on pages 138-139, Examples 2.38, 2.39, and split exact sequences on pages 147-148).

Material from Sections 2.A and 2.B or Appendix A will not be required for the exam.