10:00-10:30 Constantin
12:30-13:00 Sander
13:15-13:45 Ben
14:00-14:30 Kristian
14:45-15:15 Trym
See this Canvas announcement for Part I of the final exam.
Here is a list of topics to prepare for the final exam: link
This is the tentative schedule for final exam. Please let me know if you have schedule conflict.
June 5: Philip, Ben, Ludovico, Carl, Jakob
June 6: Kristian, Konstantin, Trym, Sander, ?yvind
We cover the following exercise problems from Section 2.1: Problems 20, 28
The lecture on 11 April is as usual, from 10:15 to 12:00. We delay the start of lecture on 12 April to 13:00 due to an internal meeting.
On March 22, we cover Exercises 5 and 7 from Section 2.1; if the time allows, we will also look at Example 2.4.
Mandatory assignment is here. Pick (at least) one problem and upload your solution to the canvas system. Due date is March 31.
On March 8 I will explain Problems 7 and 22 from Section 1.2.
On February 8, I will explain Problems 1 and 11 from Chapter 0.