I will be available in B738 at our regular hours, Mondays from 10.15 and Wednesdays from 12.15, the next two weeks (June 6., 8., 13. and 15.). If no-one is there, I will go after 15 minutes.
- John
I have annotated the table of contents in Hatcher's textbook with a detailed list of possible examination topics.
- John
Here is a note about the snake lemma and the long exact sequence in homology associated to a short exact sequence of chain complexes.
- John
Here is the report from the course evaluation.
- John
The exam dates will be June 16th and 17th. This message will be deleted once the official information is available.
- John
Exercise 29 from Section 2.1, and Exercises 2 and 3 from Section 2.2.
I expect that we will have an oral exam, spread over two days, this term. We are looking at June 9.-10., or June (16.-)17. Let me know if any of these dates do not work for you.
- John
Exercises 18, 20, 22 from Section 2.1.
Paul Aleksander Maugesten <> has agreed to be the contact student this term. Write to him if you have comments that you do not wish to give to me directly. We will organize a course evaluation, soon.
- John
I have uploaded some notes on a simplified proof of excision.
- John
Exercises 15, 16, 17 from Section 2.1.
Exercises 8, 11, 12 from Section 2.1.
The mandatory assignment for MAT4530 is now available in the documents folder. Please complete and hand in the assignment by Thursday April 28th at 14.30.
I have added a rough plan for the remaining lectures to the course schedule.
Here are my notes for today's lecture on homology.
- John Rognes
On Wednesday I finished to computation of the fundamental groups of torus knots – example 1.24 in the book. On Monday I'll do 1.27, 1.28 and 1.29 and then start on section 1.3 "Covering spaces".
Exercises for wed 2/3: Section 1.2: No 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14.
Today we finished ch1.1 and started on cha1.2. I spoke about free products of groups and formulated van Kampens theorem. On Wednesday I'll give the proof of van Kampen.
Exercises for Wednesday: Ch 1.1: No 5,6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17.
Ps.: Sorry for late message, but i tried to post it on Friday and then again this morning, without success.
To day I did 1.1 until "The fundamental group of the circle". I'll continue from there on Monday and basically do all the rest of 1.1 next week. On Wednesday we catch up with the exercises and do exercises 3,4,5 and 6 from 1.1.
To day I did examples 0.7, 0.8, 0.10 spoke about the homotopy extension property (page 14,15) and proved prop 0.17.
Om monday I'll prove (or at least sketch the proof of) 0.16 and do 0.18. 0.19, 0.20 and 0.21.
And the exercise I postponed.
Exercise for wednesday feb. 3: 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. all from CH 0.
To day I mostly did examples of CW-complexes.
Wedges of spheres, graphs, Spheres, infinite sphere, real projective spaces including the infinite one. I started with complex projective spaces.
On monday I'll continue with complex projective spaces. Do the paragraphs called: operation on spaces, collapsing subspaces and attaching spaces, and may be start on the homotopy extension property.
Ch 0: No 2, 3, 4, 9,10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19